Wednesday, May 26, 2010

One year ago tonight I was told I had tumor(s) growing in my body.

One year ago I was told that it very well might be cancer.

One year ago I sat in a dim doctor's office, my husband by my side, holding my hand, crying with me as a doctor explained what all this meant, scheduled blood work to check for ovarian cancer, then scheduled my hysterectomy... at 31 years old.

One year ago I was faced with my mortality.

One year ago, for the first time ever, envisioned leaving my children motherless....

never seeing Grace as a beautiful bride...

never seeing my kids graduate from Texas A&M...

never meeting my grandchildren.

One year ago, while everyone else was watching the finale of American Idol, I was making phone calls to family members, starting each call strong, in tears by the end.

I NEVER want to have to go through that again and I thank God that I am here, one year later, loving on my husband and children, looking into my future. I am fully aware I will always be at risk and that at any moment, this could all happen again, but I pray that it doesn't and I'm grateful for everyday I get to spend with the people I love.

1 comment:

  1. Life is short and precious - I've been realizing this so much more lately as well. I'm so thankful you're standing here a year later healthy and appreciating all the blessings you have!
